Prescott Angus was established in 1950 by Allen H. Prescott. When Allen retired, the operation was then passed down to his son, Richard Prescott who currently runs the farm in Mendota. This location is home to 100 Angus cows. Richard also sells approximately 25 purebred Angus bulls a year through this location along with a few private treaty females. In addition to purebred genetics, he also sells freezer beef to the surrounding community. Richard is carrying on the tradition of breeding functional females and powerful herd bulls.

Michael and Sara decided to start their own extension of the herd, P5 Ranch, in Lincoln, IL back in 2006 when the option to expand up north was unavailable. In working with local farmers to lease area pastures they were able to fulfill their passion and expand the operation in Central IL. They started with 20 replacement heifers and today they are proud to be raising over 150 mama cows. The operation in Lincoln has changed from completely Angus to more of a commercial-based herd when the demand for embryo recipients became more prevalent. With the increase in numbers, the herd has been split to offering their customers two calving options in the fall and the spring months.
Their herd consists of a quality group of beef cows that are selected for reproductive performance, ability to calve, a calm disposition and milking ability. Michael and Sara also follow a strict health program and provide the best quality receips to carry your genetics. Herd health is their #1 priority, so they work closely with a network of veterinarians, nutritionists, and livestock care specialists to ensure that the herd is always functioning at their top performance.
In addition to the embryo program, they also retain their own replacement heifers to develop additional quality receips for their herd. The remaining feeder calves (steers) are sold to a small group of feeders, throughout the state, where they grow the cattle to be processed for freezer beef. Michael and Sara use functional bulls that not only excel with numbers but also phenotype.
In the last 13 years Michael and Sara have worked hard to overcome obstacles that have impacted their operation as young producers raising cattle within the industry. Currently they lease 200+ acres of pasture ground for the cattle. They have worked with local farmers in the area to maintain their manure management by spreading fertilizer on their fields to preserve the pastures as well as benefit the farmers by increasing the soil fertility levels. The relationship with the farmers has also spread to allow them to utilize the fields in the winter months by planting cover crops to be harvested in the spring as a main source of food for the winter months. Without the help of local farmers in the area, the expansion of the herd would have been nearly impossible. Other areas that they focus a lot of time on are keeping feed costs low as well as utilizing the best vaccination plan for the herd that is not only beneficial for health concerns but also keeps costs to a minimum. Raising cattle is an important part of the Prescott’s history as well as their future and they hope to continue this legacy so that one day they will be able to pass it down to their children, who will be the fourth generation to raise cattle in the family.